What is Connect/Mahara system


This guide will show you what Connect/Mahara system is.


What to know:

Mahara/Connect is an e-portfolio system that is linked with the Learning Mall system. Students can create e-portfolio page and collaborate in Mahara.Connect, as well as submit Mahara/Connect page as an assignment in the Learning Mall.


Table of Contents



What is Mahara/Connect?

Mahara/Connect ePortfolio is an online tool to document your work both in progress and finished, as well as collaborate with others on pages using groups, and allows for submission of pages as assessment items to the Learning Mall Core.


At the simplest level, Mahara/Connect is two things: an ePortfolio and a social networking system combined. An ePortfolio is a system in which students can record ‘evidence of lifelong learning’ – such as essays, artwork or other such things they produce that can be stored digitally. Such things are known as artefacts in Mahara/Connect. Social networking systems give a way for people to interact with their friends and create their own online communities.

But Mahara/Connect is much more than just a place to store files. Mahara/Connect also includes blogging, and a résumé builder.

Address: https://connect.xjtlu.edu.cn


What Mahara/Connect can do?
  1. Create: Create your electronic portfolio in a flexible personal learning environment
  2. Share: Share your achievements and development in a space you control
  3. Engage: Engage with other people in discussion forums and collaborate with them in groups


Mahara/Connect assignment

You can submit a Mahara/Connect page as an assignment submission. 

Hint: For more information about setting up a Mahara/Connect assignment, please visit the article.



You can also visit Mahara official website to learn more about the system: https://mahara.org

Article Number: 118
Author: Mon, Aug 31, 2020
Last Updated: Fri, Sep 22, 2023
Author: Kenneth Simmons

Online URL: https://knowledgebase.xjtlu.edu.cn/article/what-is-connect-mahara-system-118.html