File Requirements under Turnitin



Turnitin provides the ability to compare the contents of a submitted file with the contents of millions of websites, journals, periodicals and other scholarly resources.


What to know:

Though Turnitin can support to check most of the files, but it still has some limitations that both teachers and students should be aware of. This guide will introduce you some of the limitations which you may need to pay attention to.


Table of Contents


File Size Limitation

Turnitin will only accept files:

File Type Limitation

Turnitin will only accept files as below that can generate Similarity Reports:

If you are using an unsupported word processor ( such as WPS ), you may need to save your plain text file as .txt or .rtf in order to upload to Turnitin.

The image, forms, or portfolios in the PDF file will not be accepted by Turnitin. For example, files that do not contain highlightable text (e.g. a scanned file - usually an image), documents containing multiple files or files created with software other than Adobe Acrobat® will not receive correct reports about the plagiarism rates.

It is possible to submit PowerPoint® files through,, Turnitin Basic integrations, newer versions of the Turnitin Direct integrations, and LTI compliant integrations only. Turnitin converts the PowerPoint® slide deck into a static PDF, leaving all text and images in their original format but leaving out features such as presenter notes, embedded video, and animations. Text with visual effects is not supported, and it is recommended that any visual effects such as shadows and 3D be removed prior to submitting to Turnitin.

The version of the file that can be viewed in the Document Viewer will look the same as it would if the Excel file had been saved as a PDF and submitted to Turnitin. We highly recommend that users pay attention to the image preview provided in the single file submission to verify that the file is presented in an acceptable manner. Users can adjust the way the file looks by editing the page setup and print area settings for the file prior to saving it and submitting it to Turnitin.  

Note:   Generally speaking, the Assignment or Coursework activity on Learning Mall Core accepts almost all types of files. However, if we want the file to be checked by Turnitin, the file types should be considered and restricted in the activity settings so that students can upload the acceptable files.


Not Acceptable File Generation

The below files will not successfully generate a similarity report by Turnitin:


More information:
Please visit the official Turnitin page for more information: Turnitin file requirement




Article Number: 144
Author: Tue, Sep 8, 2020
Last Updated: Sun, Dec 18, 2022
Author: Yexiang Wu

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