Managing your JazzQuiz Activity

An example of JazzQuiz options screen



This guide will show you how to manage your JazzQuiz when you are using the activity during a live classroom session. 


What to know:

The JazzQuiz activity affords users the opportunity to introduce quick quiz activities within the live classroom arena.


Table of Contents


Step 1: Starting an ActiveQuiz

You will have already set up your JazzQuiz activity by this stage (if you haven’t already done so please refer to the following: How to set up a JazzQuiz activity on your module ) therefore simply name your activity and start your session.


Step 2:  Instructions and Start Screen

On this screen, you will be able to view students who have joined, and you will also see Hotkeys instructions. When you are ready press ’Start quiz’ and this will commence the session.


Step 3: During the Quiz

Once you have started the JazzQuiz you will have the following view:
1. The number of people who have responded to the question.
2. The time left for the questions to be answered by the participants.
3. To end the quiz.
4. To extend make fullscreen
5. To view the current responses from the participants (this will also afford you the ability to display the responses in real-time for participants to see).



Step 4:  Question Time Limit

Once the time limit on the question has been reached you can do the following:
1. Re-poll -  you can get the participants to respond to the question again.
2. Vote - You can get the participants to vote on possible correct responses 
3. Improvise -  affords you the ability to choose from a variety of question types from which the participants can attempt.


Step 5: Navigating the JazzQuiz

If you want to navigate the JazzQuiz activity you can utilise the following 
1. Jump - you can use this tab to jump to any question in the activity 
2. Next - proceeds to the next question in the activity (participants 


Step 6: Quit Jazz Quiz 

Once you are satisfied that the quiz has served its purpose you can simply quit it, and it will end for all of the participants.

The JazzQuiz can be tailored for various activities to suit your needs so it's advisable that you acclimatise yourself to its use by setting up a few smaller quizzes to take place on your modules.


Article Number: 273
Author: Fri, Jun 11, 2021
Last Updated: Wed, Jun 23, 2021
Author: Kenneth Simmons

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