How to bulk release students' grade and feedback - Assignment

An example of releasing grades



This guide will show you how to release all the students' grades and feedback in assignment activity.


What to know:

You will have to enable the "Marking workflow" first in the setting area of Assignment. The bulk releasing feature is useful to control and manage the grades before moderation.


Table of Contents


Step 1: Go to the assignment submission list


Step 2: Show All the Students In The Submission List

Scroll down to the bottom of the filter area, and select "All" for the "Assignment per page"



Step 3:  Select all students

Scroll up to the top of the table, and tick the square to select all the students. (if you only want to release some of them, you will need to tick them one by one, or you can filter by groups)


Step 4:  Select the marking status to release

Scroll down to the bottom of the table again, and select "Choose marking workflow state"

On the new window, please change the marking state to "Released", then save changes.



Article Number: 346
Author: Wed, Jul 27, 2022
Last Updated: Wed, Jun 21, 2023
Author: Yexiang Wu

Online URL:;-grade-and-feedback-assignment-346.html