Mediasite FAQ

This Mediasite FAQ contains all the known errors, common questions, and solutions that people have had with Mediasite to date.

1. Why I can’t I install Mediasite Desktop Recorder (MDR) on iMac.

If you have updated MacOS to Catalina (v10.15), please contact to get a beta version of MDR that will work with your macOS version.
Catalina was released in Oct. 2019 and does not support 32-bit applications

2. How can I edit my video. Can I add subtitles or other effects?

Subtitles are not currently supported. Video recorded with MDR can be edited after uploading.
Click here to get more information about editing recordings.

3. Why does it say “Current Working” after I uploaded a video?

“Current Working” means your video is being processed. It may take between 15-30 minutes
depending on your video size and format. This is a server-side process, so there’s no need for you to
wait on this page.

4. After I uploaded a video on it says “Presentation Scheduled”, but I can’t watch

The video may not have uploaded successfully. Try to upload again by clicking “Upload media”. Then
select “Upload” new video or from MDR.

5. Can I share my video to other places instead of Learning Mall Core?

Yes, you can share your video by clicking “Share presentation” in Mediasite. Both URL links and
Embedded links are available.

6. Can I share all or a group of my videos in Mediasite/LMC to someone?

Yes. Just create a new Channel on your Mediasite page and use “Publish” to post your videos to the
new channel. Then you can post the channel on LMC through “Add Collection” under the “Mediasite
Content” option.
Now you can share the Channels URL address with others.

7. I recorded my desktop and uploaded it to Mediasite, but it’s not very clear. What is
the problem? 

The default resolution in Mediasite is 1280x720. If your video was recorded in a very high resolution
such as 2560x1440 (2K). It will likely not display ideally after compression. To work around this try
recording a small region of your screen rather than the whole screen. Alternatively, you can change
your desktop resolution to 1280x720 before recording.

8. I posted a video with a quiz on Learning Mall Core. When I check it I get the error message “You
currently don't have access to this application. Please contact your system administrator
if you believe this is an error.”

Log in Mediasite, and then go to LMC and watch this video again. This error only occurs if the video
contains a quiz.

9. Where can I change the thumbnail for my video?

Go to >Edit details >Delivery tab >Presentation Thumbnail

10.  Is it possible to download my video from Mediasite to my computer?

Yes. Go to >Edit details >Delivery” tab. Check “Vodcast” and select your export quality. Then press
“Save”. Check the “Video Podcast” status in the “Delivery” tab. Once it is completed. Click “Download
to computer” and then “Download vodcast”. Note: If the video file is over 100mb, you will need to set
the “Who can View” option to “Everyone”

11. Is it possible to use MDR on my phone?

No. MDR is only available on Windows and macOS. However, most common video formats such
as .mp4 can be uploaded to Mediasite if you wanted to use a different app for capturing video.

12. If I make a video with other software. Are there any limitations to what I can upload to Mediasite?

Yes. Mediasite only accepts video in H264/ACC codec. This configuration can usually be found when
exporting a recording in other 3rd party software.

13. How do I know how many students watched my video on LMC?

To find your video in Mediasite. Click “View Analytics”. Then you can see who has watched this video
and how long they watched.

14. When I was recording my video, a message popped up that said: “the video frames
are dropping in excess.”

MDR has very modest recommended hardware requirements. It’s likely if you’re receiving this error
that there are other applications running that are using your computer’s resources. Try to close all
the other software or restart your computer before recording.
Recommended Specs: 2.4GHz Core2 duo CPU, 4G RAM.

15. I uploaded a video file to Mediasite. The uploading is done, but it has been saying
“queued for processing” for a long time (>30 minutes).

If you’re using a 3rd party recording software. Check to makes sure the video is using the H264 codec.
If not, try using a 3rd party software like HandBreak to convert the video format and try again. For
further assistance place contact MITS at

16. I deleted my videos in Mediasite by mistake. How can I restore them?

Contact MITS with your deleted video’s name and delete time and date. Deleted videos are
recoverable for us to 15 days.

17. I finished installing MDR, but when I register a message says “Cannot open this
address x-cam-sofo-desktoptoprecorder-2 agreement”. How can I fix this?

Disable your antivirus or make an exception to allow MDR to run, then uninstall and reinstall MDR.

18. I selected a specific region to record, but the video that was uploaded only has a
portion of what I selected.

This issue is caused by having a zoom or magnification settings higher than default of common
computers. Certain tablet style computers like the Microsoft Surface have zoom set to 200% by default.
>Right click on desktop >Go to display settings >Adjust zoom down to 100%
A high DPI that can also cause this issue. >Right-click the MDR desktop Icon > Properties >Change DPI
settings > Check the box “Override high DPI scaling behavior”

19. The recording button is greyed out. How can I fix it?

. In MDR >Go to Settings > Restore Default Settings

20. How can I prevent MDR from taking up a large amount of storage space on my PC?

Once a video has been uploaded you can delete the local copy. Uploaded videos are available to be
downloaded again at any time. To delete videos >Open MDR >Go to Manage >Select videos you want to
delete >Click Manage Selected Recording >Delete

21. Where can I find the videos I recorded on my local PC? 

To find out where your videos are being stored >Open MDR >Go to Settings > The local file path is listed
Warning: These Video files are incomplete until they have been uploaded to Mediasite. As an alternative
we recommend we recommend that after a file has been uploaded, the complete video can be
downloaded from your Personal Mediasite Page.

22. Can you recommend a 3rd party video editing software?

Mediasite has a built-in video editor that can be accessed from the video on your Personal Mediasite
Page. OpenShot Video Editor is available for Windows and Mac OS here. OpenShot Video Editor is not
supported by MITS.

23. Can I upload videos if I am outside of China?

Yes, but we suggest that you use a software like Camtasia to record and then upload the video.
After a video has been recorded if can be uploaded by going to >My Mediasite >”+Add Media” > “I want to upload a file from my device”
Contact for access to Camtasia.

24. My video has been stuck on uploading or verifying at the same % for a long time,
what can I do?

>Go to Start >Type Services, and press enter >Find the service called “Mediasite Desktop Recorder” > Right-click it and click Start.

25. Where can I get addition Information about MediaSite?

The MITS e-Learning Channel.

26. Where can I get support for LMC and BBB? 

27. What is a Collection? How can I use Collections?

A channel lists a playlist of videos that can be added to Learning Mall.
> On the left side of your Mediasite page click “Channels”
> Click “Add Channel” button on the top right.
> Go to the presentation you want to add to the channel click “Move to” on the right side.
> Select “Place this presentation in a Channel”.
> Now in Learning Mall when adding Mediasite content you can select “Collection” to add the collection.

28. How do I add Automatic Closed Captioning (CC)?

The CC feature takes your voice and automatically translates it into text and displays it as subtitles in
your video. Click Add Closed Caption Tutorial to get started.

29. How can I enable Polls in my video?

Polls can be created through “Edit Polls” when managing your video. To enable them >Go to Edit Details >Player >Enable Polls >Save

30. Why can’t students can’t watch my video / Students are getting the error message
“You are not authorized to view the requested content.”

Ask the students to log into Mediasite directly at and try to access your video again.

31. Can I allow another teacher to download my videos?

Yes. The video owner will need to >Go to “Edit Details” > “Delivery” > Check the “Vodcast” option
>Then on in “Security” add “read” permission to the teacher that wants the video.
The teacher can now search for the video on their Mediasite page and download it.


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Article Number: 176
Author: Mon, Nov 2, 2020
Last Updated: Mon, Jun 3, 2024
Author: Trent Montgomery

Online URL: