Phase 0-Admin Role-How to add a room in iMatch system

An example of a selection activity



This guide will show you how to set up a selection activity / room for a specific project.


What to know:

Only the Admin role has the permission to create a selection activity/room (referred to as room in the article). After creating the room, the Admin role will upload other information such as Department details, student data, and teacher data accordingly.



Step 1: Add a selection activity / room

After logging the system, click "Add" in "Room Setting"' tab to create a room. The rooms, each referring to a different project or audience, listed in "Room setting" tab are all the rooms created by this Admin account.



Step 2: Set up the room

In the pop-up dialogue, set up the details of this room.

Title: here is the room title in Chinese.

Title EN: here is the room title in English.

Description: input the room description in Chinese.

Description EN: input the room description in English.

Selection Rounds / Teacher Ranking Number: define the number of teachers to be ranked by the students, equal to the selection rounds number for teachers selection.

Student Start Date: students will be able to make selection after start date.

Student End Date: students will be able to make selection before the end date.

Teacher Start Date: students will be able to make selection after this start date.

Round Day: define the number of days of each teacher selection round.



Step 3: Configure the role permissions in selection process

Scroll down in the pop-up dialogue.

Status: whether this room / selection is active or inactive;

Show to Student: whether the selection results are automatically released to student without any modifications;

Student Edit Button: whether the students are allowed to make edits within the student selection window time;

Teacher Regret Button: whether the teachers are allow to regret their choice in the current round;

Shared with Other Admin: whether this room can be co-edited with other admin accounts.

Click ''Confirm' to save the room.'



Step 4: View the room

Now the room is created and displayed with the status "In progress" with basic information.

Enable: the selection status can also be edited here;

Show students: whether the selection results are automatically released to student without any modifications;




As an admin role, all the rooms you created will be listed under the Room Settings tab. In contrast, the Home tab will list the rooms you are involved in.


Next steps:
Now that you have finished creating a room / selection process, there are still several more steps to complete:

  1. Phase 0-Admin Role-How to create department information
  2. Phase 0-Admin Role-How to upload users
  3. Phase 0-Admin Role-How to send email reminders