
Coursework - Extend the individual submission deadline

An example of the extension   Overview: This guide will show you how to give students extension to edit the submission and resubmit after the deadline or the submission is finalized.   What to know: You have to enable individual ... Read More

Coursework - How to release grade

An example of released student grade from student view   Overview: This guide will show you how to release the grade to students on the LM Core, so that the students can see the grade and feedback on their own device.   What to know: Normally, o... Read More

Coursework - Submission marking process

An example of the Coursework activity   Overview: This guide will show you the marking process on coursework activity.   What to know: Teachers (assessors 1 to assessor 3) and module leaders will mark the submission at differe... Read More

Coursework - Use grading sheet

An example of the Coursework grading sheet   Overview: This guide will show you how to use the grading sheet to grade the students. Grading sheet can be used as offline marking.   What to know: The grading sheet of coursework... Read More

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