How to request a new non-taught module on the Learning Mall Core


Question: Is it possible to request a new non-taught module on the Learning Mall Core?

Yes, it is. Please fill out the questionnaire in the New Module/Course Area Request Portal.

Workflow of applying a new module page:

1. Submit the form below with all the required information.

2. After the module page being created, we will send you an email. Please contact your departmental secretary to enroll staff and students in the new module.

3. Migrate(Only Module leader role can perform this action) or download the module content from previous archive systems: 


1. Please be noted, all the taught modules will be created at the beginning of the semester according to Registry's data. Individual requests about taught module will be ignored.

2. The new module request will go through the above workflow within 5 working days. You will get email confirmation about your new module request's approval and creation status.