
Enable Turnitin in an assignment

An example of the Turnitin report   Overview: This guide will show you how to enable the Turnitin function to check students submission plagiarism.   What to know: You should enable the Turitin earlier before students making submissions. Or the... Read More

File Requirements under Turnitin

  Overview: Turnitin provides the ability to compare the contents of a submitted file with the contents of millions of websites, journals, periodicals and other scholarly resources.   What to know: Though Turnitin can support to check most of the ... Read More

How to Check the Similarity Report in Turnitin

An example of a similarity report in Turnitin   Overview: This guide will show you how to check the  matching report details in Turnitin website.   What to know: This guide is applicable to both teachers and students.   Table of Contents Ste... Read More

How to Exclude the Source of a Wrong Submission

An example of "Exclude Sources" function in the Turnitin Similarity report   Overview: This guide will show you how to exclude the sources mistakenly submitted to the wrong modules, thus decreasing the similarity percentage of the current submissio... Read More

Turnitin check page

Overview: This guide will show you how to self-check the similarity of your work on the Learning Mall Core page. What to know: This area has been created to provide all XJTLU students and academic staff with a quick and easy way to chec... Read More