Assignment report

An example of the Assignment report



This guide will show you how to view and download the report/documents for Assignment activity.


What to know:

The Assignment report is on the module level page, but not inside each assignment activities.



Step 1: Find the report

Click the 'Reports' tab on the top course-level menu bar. 


You will find a link called "Assignment submission report".

Step 2:  View/download the assignment submission report

On the overview page, there are many buttons for you to view more details of the report:

Export all:  A spread sheet about the whole report of all the assignments. The data includes all the students' submission status, grades, graders , turnitin, and submission file names

-: Click and view each assignment details.

- Other buttons:

Show every student's submission details on the new screen, including turnitin, modification time, and log buttons for further check.
 Export the spread sheet of submission details, including grades, turnitin, grader name, submission time and file title.

  Download the package of all the submissions, feedback files, feedback comments, and annotated PDFs.