Grant an extension
An example of due date extended submission
This guide will show you how to grant an extension of due date for an assignment submission, if required on a module .
What to know:
The ability to grant an extension to a submission feature affords the user greater control over the assignments within modules.
Table of Contents
Step 1: Assignment activity
Go to your Assignment activity on your module page
Step 2: View submissions
Click on the 'View all submissions' button.
Step 3: The submission page
You will now go to the page where student submissions are viewable.
Step 4: Selecting the submission
Go to the 'Edit' section within the submission page.
- Click on the 'Edit' button.
- In the dropdown menu, select 'Grant extension'.
Step 5: Granting an extension
You will now be taken to a page where you will see the student whom is being granted an extension.
- You can set the 'Extension due date' via dropdown menus or by utilizing the 'Calendar' icon
- Slick 'Save changes' button.
Step 6: Viewing the extension
Once the extension has be saved you are returned to the submission screen where you can view the extension.