3. Advanced marking

Advanced Grading Method: Checklist

  An example of Checklist marking in   Assignment   activity   Overview: This guide shows you how to create a Checklist marking criteria for Assignment activity.   What to know: The Checklist feature affords a teac... Read More

Advanced Grading Method: Marking Guide

An example of Marking guide criteria used in Assignment activity   Overview: This guide shows you how to create a Marking guide criteria in Assignment activity.    What to know: The Marking guide feature affords a teacher the abili... Read More

Advanced Grading Method: Ranged Rubric

An example of Ranged Rubric criteria in Assignment activity   Overview: This guide shows you how to create Ranged Rubric criteria in Assignment activity.    What to know: The rubric feature affords a teacher the ability to provide grades and feedbac... Read More

Advanced Grading Method: Rubric

An example of Rubric criteria in Assignment activity   Overview: This guide shows you how to create rubric criteria in Assignment activity.    What to know: The rubric feature affords a teacher the ability to provide grades and fee... Read More

Allocate Multiple Students to a Grader at Once - Assignment

An example of allocating multiple students to a grader at once   Overview: This guide will show you how to allocate markers to specific submissions. This could be used to ensure that subject specialists are assigned to mark questions about their s... Read More

Anonymous Submissions in the Assignment activity

  An example of Anonymous submissions   Overview: This guide will show you how to implement Anonymous submissions within your Assignment Activity.    What to know: The Anonymous submissions tool within the Assignment activity affords the user t... Read More

Using marking workflow

  The Marking Workflow options   Overview: This guide will show you how to implement Marking Workflow within your Assignment Activity.   What to know: The Marking Workflow within the Assignment activity affords the teachers to manage... Read More